Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No Gas, No Knitting

You'd think with the gas shortage I'd be at home knitting. Nope. Turns out when there is no gas there is no going to the yarn store. For those of you that have haven't heard, the south, mostly Atlanta and the surrounding areas, are having a major gas shortage. All FIVE gas stations near my home are completely out of gas, all grades and diesel. Schools have halted all landscape and grounds maintenance, all field trips, events, and parties are cancelled until further notice, businesses are closing one day per week to conserve fuel. The situation is bad and it is only getting worse.

The above photo was swiped from the New York Times. I was really tempted to take a similar photo yesterday, but was afraid my neighbors would think I had gone completely off my rocker. Hey, I am already the 28 year old that knits and owns lots of cats, I can't be taking weird pictures. The situation is bad, really bad. A friend of mine that lives nearby waited at the local gas station for 5 hours to get gas. The truck finally arrived and the station was out again just a few short hours later. On a somewhat entertaining note, people were actually having pizzas delivered to them while waiting in line. Now those are my kind of people! I once stopped to pan for gold while waiting on a tow truck. (true story, just ask Knit Pinkie)

So for now I am stuck at home with empty needles. A side effect of a newbie knitter with a tiny budding stash (crappy yarn), and a small number of needles. I swear when I get gas and can drive the 30 minutes to the nearest LYS or Wally World I am going to buy every size needle they carry. Red Heart is cheap enough, I am thinking of buying a whole bunch, storing it in a glass case and labeling it "break in case of emergency". I am bored people. No show on hulu.com, DVD, or book is going to cure it. I need my needles and yarn! I have A.D.D. and I can't sit still!

Things are getting desperate around here. At one point I was so desperate I tried finger knitting. My initial intention was to learn so I could teach my young niece who is having a bit of a hard time learning to knit. I though it might be fun for her. Now I have reached a state of delirium in which I finger knitted this ugly little scarf-like thing and tied it on the dog. The dog wasn't amused. For my dog's sake and the sake of my sanity, I hope this shortage ends soon, real soon.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Farewell My Fugly Friend

That was short lived. Turns out my bedroom isn't as 7-year-old-proof as I might have initially thought. Grant, who is self admittedly "hard on equipment" is hard on unfinished knitting and crystal potpourri as well. I looked at the stitches hanging off the needle, looked at the color of the yarn and said, well I can't type what I said, but let's just say it wasn't 7 year old friendly. I have decided to frog. It is still sitting on my bed intact, but the cord, the lifeline, the woven ugliness, has been cut from the skein.

This will be my first almost finished frog. If it wasn't so girlie I might have finished it and given it to my nephew, it would be just the right length. Oddly enough, I'm not too disappointed. I really disliked the color. Oh well, off to dig through my stash yet again. Wish me luck!
Oh and a final note to apologize for the photo. I am only wearing one contact, so to me it looked good through the viewfinder. Blind photography, an art I don't recommend.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Desperate Times Call for Ugly Yarn

First of all, I cannot get a decent picture of this scarf to save my life. I really don't mind the pattern. It is the Something-or-other with Warrick. Just search "Warrick" on Ravelry, it will bring it right up. I like it, it is a variation of a feather and fan pattern, really easy to remember and knit, I like it. The yarn, well, let's just say I am not amused. I have no idea what I was smoking when I bought this color. I thought it might make a cute hat, and it very well might, but a scarf, not so much. I am not a happy camper, but I am almost finished. Weird, huh? I had no other options. My stash is dwindling, WalMart sucks, and I had an entire season of Bones waiting for me online. Yes, I have just now discovered David Boreanaz. I don't know, he must've grown into that forehead of his. I never was fond of him as Angel, but as Seeley Booth...yum, that's all I'm saying.

I'm not sure of the fate of my Two Weeknights with Warrick scarf, but it will be completed, that's for sure. I need something to occupy my hands while watching TV. I can either finish the scarf or take up smoking. Perhaps I could learn to whittle like Uncle Jed. Nah, I have already severed the end of my finger once, something I'd prefer not to repeat. I could definitely see myself repeating this pattern with a better yarn in the future. I feel a trip to the LYS coming on!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wild Stripes Revisited

I am so disorganized sometimes. I never posted updated pictures of the Wild Stripes Baby Blanket! I am digging this blanket, it's just too cute. I'm really excited about finishing this thing and getting the backing sewn on. It is hibernating for now, but I will definitely play around with it in the near future.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lots to Talk About

Wow, I am behind on blogging. I should probably break this up into multiple posts, but I'm not, call me lazy.

Where to begin? Let's start with presents, after all my birthday was last week. Ol' Pinkie and I had planned a little knitting swap earlier this month. (it had nothing to do with my birthday, I swear) This was my plan to get myself a hanging kitchen towel without actually having to make it myself. In exchange I made a couple of easy to knit dog sweaters for the Pinkie Pooch. The package arrived on Thursday, and boy was I surprised when I opened the mailbox. Damn, I thought to myself, that is one big towel! You can imagine my excitement when I ripped open the package to find this:

I have been DYING for a needle case. I have searched high and low for one I really like, and just could not find one that caught my eye. The funny thing is that Pinkie blogged about it and I had a fit over the darn thing. I had no idea it was on it's way to me when I left her a comment a few days later! I must be getting old because damn I was excited. I love handmade gifts, they are the best kind! Oh and I can't forget my hanging towel. How cool is this?!

Photo stolen from Pinkie's Ravelry Project page.

And since I mentioned dishcloths, I am hooked on making the darn things. And I admit, just a short time ago I was griping about them and how you'd never catch me making any. I think the picture cloths are mostly to blame for that, I have found several pattern cloths I really like. Here are a few I made using the The Squidge Cloth pattern:

I even got conned into doing my first dishcloth swap! I am still too much of a newbs to try anything too creative. Actually, I'm all for trying it, it's the thought of sending it to a fellow knitter that scared the bejeebers out of me. So I wussed out and made a squidge cloth for my recipient. I really enjoyed doing the swap actually, after the initial panic went away. I was convinced that after agreeing to do the swap my right hand would shrivel and fall off for no apparent reason and I would be left unable to knit. I am not one to knit under pressure, or with a deadline, but this wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I am such an overanalyzer sometimes.

Here is the package I received in the swap. I big shout out to Hamle06 on Ravelry. The dishcloth is gorgeous, I love the color of the yarn you sent, and the soap smells wonderful. I will definitely be swapping again real soon.

Well I guess that's about it. I have a trip to the local fall festival today. I am hoping and praying that there will be yarn there, although I know the thought is a longshot. A girl can hope, can't she?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shut Up, It's My Birthday*

After being inspired by Cass of Shut Up, I'm Counting fame's post this morning, I decided to take random camera phone shots of my day and share them on my blog. Camera phone pics turned into real pictures when I realized I had my trusty ol' Kodak with me, too bad I forgot to take photos of half of the things I did. See, today is my birthday. Yes, yes I know, it is a big day. What's that you say? What is my address so you can send gifts and money...well it is 540....Oh wait, perhaps you'd better email me for that. Anyway, back to my story here....I am not a big fan of my birthday. I mean, I am happy to be alive, and grateful for another year. I am just not one of those people that sits around on their big day awaiting phone calls and gifts and flowers, although you won't see me object to any of those. Basically what I am getting at is that to me it is just any old day. Treating it as such causes me to forget from one year to the next what I did for the big day. Pair that with an unattentive (ex) better half that usually forgot it WAS my birthday, even after 6 years together, I usually don't look forward to the big day. Well today was going to be different!! I marched myself to the gas station first thing to treat myself to a Diet Dr. Pepper, I am supposed to be off of caffeine and carbonation, but who cares it's my birthday, right? Gidget was none too happy when I told her to "stay" as I was walking out the door:
I had errands to run, lots of errands (including the DDS for a new license), but who wants to do that, that's no fun? So I called my pal John and we met for lunch at Oodles. I try to limit my carbs (and eating out) but damn it, it's my birthday! Oodles was soooooo good. Did I mention I forgot to take a picture. Oops. Sorry John! Then it was off to the DDS, knitting intow, for what I thought would be a long afternoon of waiting, waiting, and more waiting.

Not sure who the "new guy" is that my sister-in-law was telling me about that was supposed to make great changes with the GA Dept. of Driver Services, but let me tell you, if I ever meet him, he's getting a big ole hug from me! I was in and out of there in less than 15 minutes!! With a much better photo than last time I might add. Sadly, my knitting didn't make a single appearance. Well sad for the knitting, not so sad for me.

Then it was off to Wally World to get my meds (did I mention I always get a cold on my birthday? It's allergy season, dontcha know), I managed to pick up lots of cotton yarn and some new needles while I was there. I failed also to take pics in Wally World because I was too busy yacking on my cell phone, something I never do in stores, but today, OH NO...I marched my happy ass around that entire store just yacking away on my bluetooth. People were staring, some thought I was talking to them, but who the hell cares, it's my birthday! (are you seeing a trend here?) I did resist the urge when the cashier said "have a nice day." to say "I will! It's my birthday!!" I am liking the new birthday me!

After a few more errands I had decided to spend the rest of my afternoon (that was originally penciled for the DDS) with my dear sweet Grandmother. I am exhausted from yelling, and my throat is scratchy, but it was a good visit. (dear Grandma can't hear unless you yell and refuses to wear hearing aids) Scored myself a nice balloon and some Jolly Ranchers, too. Mmmmm, Jolly Ranchers. The sister-in-law had the afternoon off, so we had a nice long visit.

So after becoming dehydrated from sweating (old people sure like it warm) and yelling, homeward bound was I. I had a splitting headache and was just ready to take a big old nap...but the nephew was there with the bro, ready for some go cart riding and a birthday dinner.

After one more lap, followed by one more lap, and "just one more lap Dad, just ONE more..." It was off to a quick dinner in the big crazy wild party town of Cleveland. I believe my pictures depict how wild and crazy it got.

Here's Gentry wearing her glasses:

Now here is Chad making goofy faces and wearing Gentry's Glasses:
Now here's me wearing Gentry's glasses (I warned you things got wild):
Now here is some of my posse right before we left. I actually think Gentry gets photo credit here. She took over the photographer job right after she arrived. Thank goodness, I felt like such a dork taking pictures for my own birthday.
Here the kids had a big plan to hide in the back of Chad's truck to hitch a ride to the Dairy Queen across the street for some ice cream:
All-in-all it was a good day. Whew, I'm exhausted. Having a birthday is a job in itself, go here, pay this, answer the phone constantly.....I think next year I will plant my ass on a tropical beach somewhere with no cell service and a pool boy that never let's my glass of whateverandtequila in a blender run out, and relax.

Now maybe tomorrow I can actually finish that dishcloth, if I'm not too exhausted from the festivities. I mean, c'mon, it was nearly 9:00 when we left Dairy Queen and I'm no longer a spring chicken you know. I'll leave you with my final pictures of the day. For some reason I thought it would be fun to take random bad photos. (or maybe I was just too tired to attempt decent ones) You know my day wouldn't be complete without a bed full of critters. Would you think any less of an aspiring veterinarian? C'mon. Looks like "the boys" are ready for bed, and the freaked look out has yet to leave Gidget's face.

I did manage to get a little work done on my Squidge Cloth dishcloth while I was at my Grandmother's house. It is Strawberries and Cream. Who knew I would like pink.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Me, Excessive?! Nooooooooo.

Silly cat photos and fireworks aside, this is supposed to be my knitting blog. The knitting blog of a woman with the attention span of a cracker, but still. Just to prove I have actually been knitting, and knitting and knitting and knitting, I decided to photograph my latest creations and share them here on my scrap/blog/journal/land of randomness on the internet.

My plan was to make one for Gidget (see previous posts) and then move on to bigger and better things, but they are just so darn easy I couldn't help myself! I first decided to add the skull and crossbones since I have never attempted that before. Then I decided to make one for a friend, then another friend wanted one....and now I find myself in the land of dog sweaters. Sadly, the black skully is too big for Gidget (which means I'll want to make another one), and the others are gifts or swaps or whatever. The green ribbing on the needles is for my poochie, which will bring the count of sweaters for my own dog up to...(drum roll please)....ONE. Sad, isn't it? I should have it completed today (they go really fast) and then I plan on attempting cable knitting on one of these bad boys. (do people still say "bad boys" or am I just stuck in the 90's?) These things are sort of fun to make, as cheesy as that may sound. And I am proud of myself that I can sit down with my needles and yarn with no pattern and still whip one out perfectly. Which is a big accomplishment for this newbie!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Right Back At Ya

My pal Pinkie and I decided to do a little knitting and swapping. We're trading hints until the mail lady pays a visit.

UGGH! To Look or Not to Look.

I have a dilemma. I have grown tired of knitting things for myself. (or things I end up keeping because I feel they are sub-par) so I got the bright idea to do a little swapping with Knit Pinkie. I figure I am safe, hell if she stayed friends with me all through those awkward high school years, a little dog sweater isn't going to put a strain on our friendship, right? Not even a poorly made one! Well I have been told as of today it is done, finished, finito. I am even happier to hear it has a few imperfections. Yippee! No really, I am. No teasing here, I was expecting to receive a perfectly knitted dish cloth in trade for my "what the hell? Was she knitting and sewing this in the dark dog sweaters?" I am being perfectly honest and sincere here, I think flaws or imperfections add character, and to me that's what makes handmade things special.

I love getting presents, especially for no particular reason. Who doesn't!? I have been told she wrote about it on her blog, and to stay away if I don't want to spoil the surprise. I have no idea what colors she used or what pattern or anything, so the thought of seeing it is driving me nuts, but for now I will refrain. You see, my birthday is on Wednesday, and this is the first b-day in 10 (?) years I have celebrated without a significant other, so the dish rag, or towel, whichever it may be, is going to be my only surprise gift ....so I refrain. Of course now I'm sitting here dying to take a peek!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It Was Only A Matter of Time

You all knew it was coming. It just had to happen. It was inevitable. The cat picture on the knitting blog.

I have had this picture for over a week, but I figured it best to just go ahead and get it out of the way. This being a knitting blog, and me owning an undisclosed number of cats and all, you know it was bound to happen sooner or later. I thought it best to go ahead and post the mandatory "kitty pic on the knitting blog" photo so I could get back to my random rambling.

This is Butters, he is overweight, overstimulated, spoiled, and quite entertaining actually. He is also known as "Butter Bean", "Beanie Weenie", "Beans", "Beaner", and occasionally "Big Fat Beaner". If you ask me I raised one smart cat to keep up with all of his nicknames, especially with new ones being added weekly. I read somewhere once that owning a cat or dog can lower your bloodpressure. I am not only baffled as to how I can have HIGH blood pressure, but actually how my BP isn't too low to even register. I am a rescuer, believe it or not I have rehomed at least twice as many as I currently play slave to. No really, I have.

And in conclusion, I'd like to add one little comment: The cats have nothing to do with the knitting, and the knitting has nothing to do with the cats. I swear. Not once did the thought cross my mind of "I have cats, I must knit". Still not sure of the correlation between the two. If either (as in all two) of you that read my blog know the reason the two are grouped together, could you please enlighten me? If you want to know my opinion, they don't compliment each other at all. The cats bite the yarn, attack the yarn, feed the yarn through their teeth so it is all wet and spitty. (is spitty even a word?!) Then they proceed to get hair all over my finished knitted goodies. None of this entertains me in the least.

Well now that we have that out of the way...I return you to my regularly scheduled random, boring, knitting blog.