Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No Gas, No Knitting

You'd think with the gas shortage I'd be at home knitting. Nope. Turns out when there is no gas there is no going to the yarn store. For those of you that have haven't heard, the south, mostly Atlanta and the surrounding areas, are having a major gas shortage. All FIVE gas stations near my home are completely out of gas, all grades and diesel. Schools have halted all landscape and grounds maintenance, all field trips, events, and parties are cancelled until further notice, businesses are closing one day per week to conserve fuel. The situation is bad and it is only getting worse.

The above photo was swiped from the New York Times. I was really tempted to take a similar photo yesterday, but was afraid my neighbors would think I had gone completely off my rocker. Hey, I am already the 28 year old that knits and owns lots of cats, I can't be taking weird pictures. The situation is bad, really bad. A friend of mine that lives nearby waited at the local gas station for 5 hours to get gas. The truck finally arrived and the station was out again just a few short hours later. On a somewhat entertaining note, people were actually having pizzas delivered to them while waiting in line. Now those are my kind of people! I once stopped to pan for gold while waiting on a tow truck. (true story, just ask Knit Pinkie)

So for now I am stuck at home with empty needles. A side effect of a newbie knitter with a tiny budding stash (crappy yarn), and a small number of needles. I swear when I get gas and can drive the 30 minutes to the nearest LYS or Wally World I am going to buy every size needle they carry. Red Heart is cheap enough, I am thinking of buying a whole bunch, storing it in a glass case and labeling it "break in case of emergency". I am bored people. No show on hulu.com, DVD, or book is going to cure it. I need my needles and yarn! I have A.D.D. and I can't sit still!

Things are getting desperate around here. At one point I was so desperate I tried finger knitting. My initial intention was to learn so I could teach my young niece who is having a bit of a hard time learning to knit. I though it might be fun for her. Now I have reached a state of delirium in which I finger knitted this ugly little scarf-like thing and tied it on the dog. The dog wasn't amused. For my dog's sake and the sake of my sanity, I hope this shortage ends soon, real soon.


Ria said...
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Ria said...

I can suggest some online yarn stores...

Lobug said...

If you have yarn and needles, you can knit---design something!! I bet you could!! (thanks for the comments on my site.....) Or- online yarn stores: elann.com is great for high quality yarn at excellent prices. And Knitpicks is the place to go for needles........ Good luck!