Saturday, September 27, 2008

Farewell My Fugly Friend

That was short lived. Turns out my bedroom isn't as 7-year-old-proof as I might have initially thought. Grant, who is self admittedly "hard on equipment" is hard on unfinished knitting and crystal potpourri as well. I looked at the stitches hanging off the needle, looked at the color of the yarn and said, well I can't type what I said, but let's just say it wasn't 7 year old friendly. I have decided to frog. It is still sitting on my bed intact, but the cord, the lifeline, the woven ugliness, has been cut from the skein.

This will be my first almost finished frog. If it wasn't so girlie I might have finished it and given it to my nephew, it would be just the right length. Oddly enough, I'm not too disappointed. I really disliked the color. Oh well, off to dig through my stash yet again. Wish me luck!
Oh and a final note to apologize for the photo. I am only wearing one contact, so to me it looked good through the viewfinder. Blind photography, an art I don't recommend.


Ria said...

I think i need to borrow your 7 year old! i have a few projects that are just taking up needles, i should frog but don't have it in me to make the first pull.

Anonymous said...

I like the scarf; it is a pretty pattern.

Samsara said...

Crystal potpourri? I'm intrigued! The scarf is pretty, but I agree that the yarn colour is a little bleugh!